
Speed Up CoolSculpting Results & Maximize CoolSculpting

You want to look like yourself, but more refreshed, right? CoolSculpting is a very popular solution for aging gracefully, as it gives a subtle enhancement to natural curves. While it’s not a weight loss method, CoolSculpting is a way to eliminate stubborn fat areas that diet and exercise aren’t helping. You might not even lose any pounds with this. But since it is a body contouring treatment, you can expect to look thinner and feel more comfortable in your clothes.

If you choose to freeze your fat away, you’re going to want results as quickly as possible, right? Here’s what you should (and shouldn’t) do after CoolSculpting to maximize your results.

Things Not to Do After CoolSculpting

Do Not Drop Your Healthy Eating Habits After Coolsculpting

It might be tempting, especially as your results continue to reveal themselves. But if you give up on eating good foods in proper proportions, you risk gaining weight. This body contouring procedure does permanently eliminate some of the unwanted fat cells, but the remaining fat cells can still expand.

Do Not Drink Alcohol After Coolsculpting

Much like the 88% of patients that are happy with their CoolSculpting outcomes, you will want to celebrate your newly toned and tightened body. This time, consider something other than alcohol. Not only does it make bruising more likely, but alcohol can slow down (if not prevent) the natural fat-burning process.

Bruising is not common during CoolSculpting recovery, but it can happen. Taking care of yourself will give you the fastest recovery and the best results.

Do Not Lift Heavy Items After CoolSculpting

Give your body at least three or four days once treatment is complete before you start working out or doing other strenuous activities. Putting your body through the strain of lifting heavy items during recovery can make the treatment area tender and sore.

Also, working out intensifies blood flow, and extra blood flow to the area can lead to feelings of discomfort. Waiting a few days to lift will help reduce swelling.

Do Not Take NSAIDs After CoolSculpting

Your body’s natural inflammatory response is essential for proper recovery post-treatment. NSAIDs (pain relievers) decrease inflammation, but they interfere with the natural process, which can change the outcome of your treatment. Your healthcare provider can help you decide which pain medications you should take after the session. Most patients don’t need anything for pain or discomfort.

How to Maximize CoolSculpting Results

Reach Your Goal Weight Before CoolSculpting

Since CoolSculpting targets smaller areas of unwanted fat, it’s not something you should rely on for drastic changes. If you are hoping to lose more than a few pounds to reach your ideal weight, you should focus on that before a CoolSculpt session. Once you’re close to or at your ideal weight, pairing a healthy lifestyle with a body contouring treatment will give you the ultimate results.

Your BMI should be below 30 for most CoolSculpting treatment areas. However, if you’re looking at chin CoolSculpting, your BMI must be below 43.

Hydration After CoolSculpting

This might not be an invasive or extensive procedure, but it does impact your body. You’ll want to go out of your way to hydrate after a cryolipolysis fat-freezing session. Water is a great choice, of course. However, you can enhance your water with hydration multipliers. This will give your body more of the vitamins and minerals it needs to replenish and revitalize.

Continue Treatment Area Massaging After CoolSculpting

Part of your CoolSculpting process includes the provider gently massaging the treated area. This promotes fat breakdown to improve results every time. Copy the movements that your provider does when you’re home, regularly massaging the area to enhance your results. Feel free to continue this a few times a day for about a week to help your body’s waste removal process.

Wear Compression Garments After CoolSculpting

Compression garments help with swelling and bruising, which makes them useful during CoolSculpting recovery. Even though swelling and bruising are minimal with CoolSculpting, a compression garment will only do good things as your results start to show. Therefore, the decision is entirely yours as to whether you wear compression garments.

Exercise After CoolSculpting to Speed Up Results

This might seem contradictory since we just mentioned not lifting heavy weights, but exercise can massively increase the effects of CoolSculpting when done right. Nothing strenuous should happen for the first 48 hours. Once you’ve given your body sufficient time to rest, you can increase the rate that fat breaks down by:

  • Jogging
  •  Climbing stairs
  •  Cross-training
  •  Swimming
  •  Biking

Not only does being active help prevent weight gain and promote a healthy lifestyle, but it also helps release endorphins. These endorphins are chemicals that naturally induce feelings of happiness.

Find the Best CoolSculpting Provider Near You

When it comes to anti-aging treatments, nothing is more important than finding a provider you trust, and a team you can rely on. Your results will only be as good as the team administering your treatment. Be sure to look for professionals with the proper certification, training, and experience.

Choose CoolSculpting Elite instead of Regular CoolSculpting

While both are cryolipolysis fat-freezing options, CoolSculpting Elite is the more effective solution. Traditional CoolSculpting was the technology that started non-surgical body contouring. CoolSculpting Elite is new and improved, treating areas faster and better with more applicator choices. Not only are there seven applicators to choose from as opposed to the original two, but the CoolSculpting Elite machine can use two applicators at once.

Freeze Your Fat Away: CoolSculpting Results

As one of the easiest med spa sessions you can choose, CoolSculpting offers incredible results after short sessions. The key to this option is having patience. CoolSculpting results don’t happen overnight. But if you maintain realistic expectations and give yourself time, you can expect anywhere from 20% to 25% fat reduction in the treatment area.

It can take about three or four months to see full results, but eventually, the fatty area will shrink. You will notice that your body is gradually becoming smoother and tauter throughout the recovery process.

If you would like to learn more about body contouring, contact RenovoMD today. We are a leading provider of CoolSculpting in Northborough, MA, where we serve the surrounding areas of Southborough, Sudbury, and Framingham.

As a premier aesthetics destination, our CoolSculpting Elite services will help you reach your body goals.

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